
For your reference

Protect Your Identity
The holiday season is a prime time for identity theft. Frank Abagnale, one of the most sought-after identity theft experts, gives advice.

Some words in the news:
resourceful, prevalent, desperate, chronicle, hit movie, glamorize, portrait, pull off (to succeed in doing sth difficult ), truncation, leave the signature intact, redeposit, uniball pen, pigment ink, water-based ink, dye-based ink, micro-cut shredder, liability

Stupid Move, Easy Arrest

Extreme Sports: The Birdmen

Chilean Miners Trapped One Month (Search for: Chilean miners)

Some words in the news:
video conference, boost morale, rugby players, Uruguay, the Andes Mountains, shaft (a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out), humanity, poles, cots, bore (to make a deep round hole in a hard surface), rescue tunnel, underway

Words in Task 5:

dropout: someone who leaves school or college before they have finished

vacation: to go somewhere for a holiday

ransom: an amount of money paid to free someone who is held as a hostage

embassy: a building where a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country

abduct: to take someone away by force [= kidnap]

pirate: someone who sails on the seas, attacking other boats and stealing things from them

poll: the process of finding out what people think about something by asking many people the same question, or the record of the result

Words related to crime
crime, criminal (person), verb
theft, thief, steal
robbery, robber, rob
burglary, burglar, burgle/break into
shoplifting, shoplifter, shoplift
murder, murderer, murder
manslaughter, - , -
rape, rapist, rape

from English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermedite & intermediate)